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Koliko koristite određena ponašanja kako biste poboljšali negativno raspoloženje?*

* Measure of affect regulation styles (MARS) / Larsen, R. J., Prizmic, Z. (2004). Affect regulation. In: Baumeister, R., Vohs, K. (Ed.), Handbook of self-regulation research. New York: Guilford.



Koliko koristite određena ponašanja kako biste poboljšali negativno raspoloženje?
Molimo odgovorite u rasponu od 1 (uopće ne) do 7 (redovito).*

* Measure of affect regulation styles (MARS) / Larsen, R. J., Prizmic, Z. (2004). Affect regulation. In: Baumeister, R., Vohs, K. (Ed.), Handbook of self-regulation research. New York: Guilford.